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Ian McColl
- Art Director
- Creative Director
- Creative Consultant



“I’ve been a creative for pretty much all of my working life, and a Creative Director for the past 20 years. So I’m old enough to know when something’s working, but I’ve still got the curiosity of a child.


And while I’ve worked both above and below the line, I’ve never really understood why the line existed in the first place. Great ideas are great not because of their medium, but because they speak some universal truth.


I’ve been privileged to unearth some of those truths for great Irish and international brands such as Diageo, Lever Brothers, Masterfoods, Vodafone, Bank of Ireland, Seven Seas and The National Dairy Council. 


On numerous occasions, the work has been award-winning. But even better, it’s been customer-winning.


I love a great idea. And whether it comes from me, the tea person, from a team of creatives, or from the current Mrs. McColl, the trick is to be smart enough to spot it, supportive enough to give it the chance it deserves, and committed enough to get it across the line. 


I’ve worked in the Far East (Singapore) and the Near East (Dublin), but the basics are exactly the same right around the globe. Take a common, universal story - then tell it uncommonly well.


Right now, I’d love to tell some stories for your brands."



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